
Cees Nooteboom and Jürgen Partenheimer,
Bed Homburg 2005
"It is impossible to prove and yet I believe it: there are some places in the world where one is mysteriously magnified on arrival or departure by the emotions of all those who have arrived and departed before. Anyone possessed of a soul so light feels a gentle tug in the air around the Schreierstoren, the Sorrowers' Tower in Amsterdam, which has to do with the accumulated sadness of those left behind. It is a sadness we do not experience today: our journeys no longer take years to complete, we know exactly where it is we are going, and our changes of coming back are so much greater." (in Roads to Santiago: A Modern-Day Pilgrimage Through Spain, translated by Ina Rilke, 1992) |

Cees Nooteboom (born Cornelis Johannes Jacobus Maria Nooteboom, 31 July 1933, in the Hague) is a Dutch author. He has won the Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren, the P. C. Hooft Award, the Pegasus Prize, the Ferdinand Bordewijk Prijs for Rituelen, the Austrian State Prize for European Literature and the Constantijn Huygens Prize, and has frequently been mentioned as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature.
A large part of Nooteboom's books consist of travel literature, but he considers himself foremost a poet.
His works include Rituelen (Rituals, 1980); Een lied van schijn en wezen (A Song of Truth and Semblance, 1981); Berlijnse notities (Berlin Notes, 1990); Het volgende verhaal (The Following Story, 1991); Allerzielen (All Souls' Day, 1998) and Paradijs verloren (Paradise Lost, 2004). (Het volgende verhaal won him the Aristeion Prize in 1993.) In 2005 he published "De slapende goden | Sueños y otras mentiras", with lithographs by Jürgen Partenheimer.
He divides his time between Amsterdam and Menorca, New York.
Cees Nooteboom is known primarily for his novels and his travel books. As far as he is concerned, however, poetry comes first. He made his debut as a poet in 1956, shortly after the publication of his first novel. At that time in the Netherlands the dominant movement in poetry involved new, experimental poets, but Nooteboom was not part of this group, nor of any other movement. He remained a loner who felt at home in many different rooms in the ‘house of poetry’, and was influenced mainly by poets from abroad. He has translated work by poets including Wallace Stevens, Eugenio Montale, Pablo Neruda, Cesare Pavese and Michael Krüger. [read more]
Many of Nooteboom’s essays deal with art, particularly those branches with a visual focus: painting, architecture, film and photography. [read more]
In 2010, two new books by Cees Nooteboom have came out: Berlijn 1989-2009 , a new and substantially expanded edition of his book about the fall of the Berlin Wall and Het raadsel van het licht, a compilation of Nooteboom’s observations and articles about art. The author takes the reader on a tour of his favourite paintings and museums. Het raadsel van het licht is a literary travel guide, a journey through art history and a voyage of discovery into its secrets.


Cover (detail)
De slapende goden | Sueños y otras mentiras, with poetry by Cees Nooteboom and lithographs by Jürgen Partenheimer, is a limited edition artist's book, in which the minimalism of Partenheimer is juxtaposed to Nootebooms poetry of place. The book contains several images, partly in color, a continuous etching on the front and back cover, and a suite of two signed lithographs.
De slapende goden | Sueños y otras mentiras is published by Ergo Pers in a limited edition of 48 copies, signed both by the author and the artist. Letterpress printing and manual binding by Rein Ergo, Gent; lithographs printed by Felix Bauer, Cologne. The entire edition was printed on Waterford Saunders 190 g. 38 x 28 cm, slipcase in crystal clear perspex. Price: € 1300.
Jürgen Partenheimer has produced more than 70 artists books since 1970. These books are the quintessence of an encounter between visual arts and literature.
The book was be on view for the first time at the exhibition Jürgen Partenheimer | Künstlerbücher in Sinclair Haus in Bad Homburg.(10.05 - 24.07.2005) and in the summer of 2005 in Dresden [Buchmuseum der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden 15 8 - 6 11 2005].
Licht Overal, livre de peintre with poetry by Cees Nooteboom and four etchigs by Hugo Claus. Ergo Pers, 2008.

Belgian writer and artist Hugo Claus, who died in 2008, was one of the most prolific and versatile of postwar European writers.r. His wide-ranging oeuvre consists of poems, novels, stories, plays, and film scripts. His masterpiece The Sorrow of Belgium is a massive Bildungsroman which takes place against the background of the German occupation. Claus has received many prominent prizes, at home and abroad.
As a painter, Claus was a participant in the CoBrA art movement from 1950. He had developed friendships with some of its members, and illustrated a book by Pierre Alechinsky in 1949. He collaborated with key figures in the movement particularly with Dotremont, Karel Appel and Corneille, as well as illustrating his own poetry. Licht Overal is his first collaboration with Cees Nooteboom. Hugo Claus died on March 19, 2008, aged 78. |

De doden zoeen een huis - poetry, 1956
Philip and the Others - novel, 1956 (Philip en de anderen, trans. Adrienne Dixon, 1988)
Het zwarte gedicht - poetry, 1960
De koning is dood - novel, 1961
The Knight has Died - novel, 1963 (De ridder is gestorven, trans. Adrienne Dixon)
Een ochtend in Bahia - travel, 1968
Bitter Bolivia, Maanland Mali - travel, 1971
Een avond in Isfahan - travel, 1978
Rituals - novel, 1980 (Rituelen, trans. Adrienne Dixon, 1983)
A Song of Truth and Semblance - novel, 1981 (Een lied van schijn en wezen, trans. Adrienne Dixon, 1984)
Mokusei - novel, 1982 (Mokusei !, trans. Adrienne Dixon, 1985)
In the Dutch Mountains - novel, 1984 (In Nederland, trans. Adrienne Dixon, 1987)
De zucht naar het Westen - travel, 1985
The Following Story - novel, 1991 (trans. Ina Rilke)
Roads to Santiago - travel, 1992 (De omweg naar Santiago, trans. Ina Rilke, 1997)
The Captain of the Butterflies - poems, 1997 (from various collections, trans. Leonard Nathan and Herlinde Spahr)
Het gezicht van het oog/ Das gesicht des Auges. Gedichte. Zweisprächig. Vert. Ard Posthuma. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp. 1994.
All Souls Day - novel, 1999 (Allerzielen, trans. Susan Massotty, 2001)
De slapende goden | Sueños y otras mentiras, Ergo Pers 2005 (translation Jan H. Mysjkin)
Lost Paradise - novel, 2004 (Paradijs verloren, trans. Susan Massotty, 2007)
Nomad's Hotel - travel (trans. by Ann Kelland, 2006)
Rode Regen, 2007 (illustrated by Jan Vanriet)
Tumbas: graven van dichters en denkers, 2007 (photographs by Simone Sassen)
Ultima Thule: een reis naar Spitsbergen, 2008 (photographs by Simone Sassen)
- Ultima Thule: A Journey to Spitsbergen (tr. 2008)
Verleden als eigenschap: kronieken 1961-1968, 2008 (ed. Arjan Peters)
Nachts komen de vossen: verhalen, 2009
Scheepsjournaal: Een boek van verre reizen, 2010
Avontuur Amerika: alle reizen, 2010
Labyrint Europa: alle vroege reizen. Deel 1, 1957-1966, 2010
De roeiers van Port Dauphin: alle Afrikaanse reizen, 2011
The Foxes Come at Night, 2011 (Kindle eBook, tr. Ina Rilke)
Labyrint Europa: alle latere reizen. Deel 2, 2011
Nachttrein Naar Mandalay: alle Aziatische reizen, 2011
Op reis: al zijn stukken uit Elsevier, 2012
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