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Bougainvillea, with poetry by Inge Braeckman and etchings by Carole Vanderlinden,
Ergo Pers Ghent, 2016


'La nuit tiède et humide comme l’ombre à l’intérieur d’une bouche qui se tait.'

Pascal Quignard, Abîmes

Carole Vanderlinden, suikerets   This livre de peintre, with poetry by Inge Braeckman and etchings by Carole Vanderlinden, is a limited edition artist's book, published in a bilingual edition in October 2009 by Ergo Pers, Ghent. Each copy includes seven original etchings by Carole Vanderlinden and is further accompanied by a suite of seven loose prints of the same etchings, signed and numbered by the artist. All 26 copies are signed on the colophon page by the author and the artist.
Bougainvillea, is printed in a limited edition of 26 copies, numbered in Arabic numerals, with an additional series of twelve reserved copies for the author and the artist, numbered I-XII. A separate edition of six copies was reserved for participating collaborators and numbered A-F. The etchings were realized and printed in Ghent in the studio of Henri Hemelsoet, the edition was printed in Amsterdam by Eric Levert. The French translation of the Dutch poems was done by Jan H. Mysjkin, in close collaboration with the author and Pierre Gallissaires. The text is set in Bembo and printed on 230-gramme Hahnemühle paper. Typography, design, and printing are by Rein Ergo. Price: € 850.


More information and high resolutuin images | E r g o  P e r s  Muinkkaai 30 B 9000 Gent tel. +32 9 225 60 40 | mail to ergopers@telenet.be





Carole Vanderlinden, suikerets



Carole Vanderlinden, suikerets



Carole Vanderlinden, suikerets



Carole Vanderlinden, ets

  Carole Vanderlinden, ets

Carole Vanderlinden, etchings for Bougainvillea, [Proofprints by Henri Hemelsoet]


De suite van etsen werden gedrukt op Hahnemühle 230 gram, lompenhoudend 100% katoen, geschept papier door Eric Levert te Amsterdam.

Sizes etchings:

Etching 1 (full page); 32 x 36 cm

Etching 2 : page 32 x 36 cm, image 16,5 x 21,8 cm

Etching 3 : page 32 x 36 cm, image 16,5 x 21,8 cm

Etching 4 (full page); 32 x 36 cm

Etching 5 : page 32 x 36 cm, image 16,5 x 21,8 cm

Etching 6 : page 32 x 36 cm, image 16,5 x 21,8 cm

Etching 7 (full page); 32 x 36 cm


Les cuivres refusés


A limited number of etchings that were not used in Bougainvillea, were preserved for the pleasure of the publisher and some friends, and should have been published as les cuivres refusés.
The etchings and cover were printed but the plaquette or booklet would never appear.




Bougainvillea, les cuivres refusés, 
Ergo Pers 2016


Carole Vanderlinden, ets voor Bougainvillea,



Carole Vanderlinden, ets voor Bougainvillea,

Bougainvillea, les cuivres refusés,
Ergo Pers 2016 [maquette]

Two etchings for Bougainvillea, les cuivres refusés, Ergo Pers 2016. [Proof prints Henri Hemelsoet].



Etching 1 : page 32 x 36 cm, image 16,5 x 21,8 cm

Etching 2 : page 32 x 36 cm, image 15,7 x 22,8 cm





watch here the book in pdf format



Website Inge Braeckman |  www.ingebraeckman.com

Portfolio Carole Vanderlinden

'You cannot fail to be moved by Carole Vanderlinden’s paintings. They are direct, compact, powerful and amusing. They are disarming. They are a nod to the history of art. They are very rich, but also very simple. (…) Vanderlinden’s paintings always look different despite recurrent elements such as oblique passe-partouts, plant motifs, skies and expanses of water, contrasts between thick and thin or matt and shiny painted sections and textures which give the impression of having created a ‘vista’. Some paintings could be an amusing take on the work of Fernand Léger. (…) All in all, her paintings appear to be sober settings for minor, sensual accidents which, once noticed, monopolize your attention, but then retreat coyly: a spot, a flowing element in an geometrically constructed painting, or a colour which suddenly takes on a seemingly luminous quality. (…) Thinking of Vanderlinden’s fascination with early art and folk art, how this fascination has led to sketchbooks and scrapbooks and how they have sometimes resulted in autonomous paintings, reminds me of Gustave Flaubert of whom it was said that he cut down a forest to make a toothpick, but then in the spirit of his celebrated heroes Bouvard and Pécuchet who tried to master every branch of knowledge of their time. For, indeed, what also seems to fascinate Vanderlinden in this inexhaustible profusion of artefacts is the futile attempt of artists and craftsmen to acquire knowledge or to gain an understanding of the world or nature by means of these objects.(…)'[1]




[1] Hans Theys, 'Two feet on the ground and two in the air - a few words about the work of Carole Vanderlinden’, CREOLE & VANITY, MER Paper Kunsthalle, Gent, 2015




Bougainvillea, an artists' book by Carole Vanderlinden and Inge Braeckman for Ergo Pers, 2016


Invitation for the presentation of the new artist book Bougainvillea, by artist Carole Vanderlinden and poet Inge Braeckman, on December 21st at 7 pm sharp at BOZAR, Brussels

Invitation for the presentation of the new artist book Bougainvillea, by artist Carole Vanderlinden and poet Inge Braeckman,
on December 21st at 7 pm at BOZAR, Brussels