6 – 8 March 2020
Friday, 6 March from 18 to 21 hrs
Saturday, 7 March from 13 to 19 hrs
Sunday, 8 March from 11 to 18 hrs
entry is free of charge
Flux 1 and Flux 2 (2nd and 3rd floor)
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7
1030 Wien
Elisabeth Broel and Gernot Cepl (Cologne) and Sybille Hentze (Vienna)

From 06.03.2020 – 08.03.2020 is taking place the 1.EDITIONALE Wien in the building of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien,
Vordere Zollamtsstrasse 7, 1030 Wien
The EDITIONALE is a fair for artists books, editions, and book objects, and was launched in 2000 by the artists Elisabeth Broel and Gernot Cepl. Up to now, the EDITIONALE was held in Cologne at two-year intervals; from 6 – 8 March 2020 it will take place in Vienna for the first time.
An international presentation forum for the book as an art medium and the large variety of current forms of book art - this is how the EDITIONALE presents itself this year for the first time taking place in Vienna, too. From Friday, 6 March 2020, the fair will be open to visitors for a period of three days on the premises of the extension building of the University of Applied Arts Vienna that opened at Vordere Zollamtstraße in 2018. The entry is free of charge.
The group of exhibitors was intentionally kept small to enable an intense exchange with visitors. The exhibitors of the 1. EDITIONALE Wien were carefully selected and come from Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Luxemburg, Hungary, and Austria. The exhibition includes, among others, unique sketch books with drawings and text in mixed technique by the artist Tone Fink who lives in Vienna. There are also presentations by the Edition Thurnhof from Horn and the Edition Thanhäuser from Ottensheim. Further exhibitors are the Irish REDFOXPRESS, the Japan-born artist Setsuko Fukushima who lives in Germany, the Hungarian artist Ilona Kiss, as well as ERGO PERS from Belgium.
The German organizers are looking for new synergies to arise from the event taking place in Vienna and therefore also invited a selection of students and graduates of the University of Applied Arts Vienna to present their works at the 1. EDITIONALE Wien.
Artists books are books designed, painted, pasted or printed by artists. They are book objects that reach beyond the reference frame of a standard book and in which readability stands back to make room for other perspectives on paper, script, and text, they are editions available in small numbers, hand press prints, as well as unique books.
[Press announcement
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien]
Read more on www.dieangewandte.at
Ergo Pers is primarily a publisher of artists books, first editions of Dutch poetry and editions of French or English poetry in translation. Since its founding in 1995 Ergo Pers has brought together writers and artists to explore verbal and visual relations, such as Pierre Alechinsky, Armando, Jürgen Partenheimer, Hanns Schimansky, Ronald Noorman, Jacques Dupin, Raoul De Keyser, Reinier Lucassen, Dan Van Severen, André du Bouchet, Yves Bonnefoy, Pierre Reverdy and Wislawa Szymborska.
During the 1. Editionale Wien the main focus of the Ergo Pers editions was on artists' books by Jürgen Partenheimer, Hanns Schimansky, Ronald Noorman, Philippe Vandenberg and Armando. |