
1947 |
Born on 14 May in Munich, Bavaria. Childhood spent in Lübeck and Munich. |
1959 - 1968 |
Attends Realgymnasium Icking in Bavaria. |
1968 - 1970 |
Studies philosophy and the history of art at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. |
1970 - 1971 |
Receives Columbus scholarship to Brandeis University, Massachusetts. Chooses to study fine art and history of art at the University of Arizona, Tucson. |
1972 |
Invited as artist in residence to the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art in Cuenca, Spain. |
1973 - 1974 |
Teaching assistant at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Graduates with distinction as Master of Fine Arts. |
1974 |
Awarded a travel grant to Guadalajara, Mexico.
Marries Annette Holzmann. |
1975 - 1976 |
Continues study of art history and philosophy at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. Receives dissertation scholarship and research scholarship from the State of Bavaria for research at the Musée d´Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Graduates magna cum laude with a PhD in art history on Brancusis´s photography. Birth of his daughter Anna Livia Plurabelle Partenheimer. |
1977 - 1978 |
Works as curator at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf with shows of Jackson Pollock, Ed Kienholz, Gerhard Hoehme, Nicolas Poussin, Malevitch and Strzeminsky.
Birth of his son Benedikt Partenheimer. |
1979 |
First solo exhibition at the Richard Demarco Gallery in Edinburgh. Shows a slide installation of a detail of a painting. Partenheimer entitles the show: “from image to mental image”.
Birth of his son Moritz Partenheimer. |
1980 |
Participates at the XI Paris Biennial. Shows a series of small-unstretched paintings on canvas, framed like drawings. Writes his essay “The Fantasy of Exactitude”, which is published at the end of 1980 in Irrawaddy 1. In it Partenheimer rejects the traditional separation of the categories in favor of the “sum total”. |
1982 |
Receives grand award for visual arts of the state of North Rhine Westphalia. Awarded Canada Council Grant to visit Montréal. Shows an installation with slide projector, chair and a text at Articule in Montréal. Receives National Endowment for the Arts, New York for a show of workbooks and drawings at Franklin Furnace, New York. |
1983 - 1985 |
Guest artist at the San Francisco Art Institute, California and distinguished visiting artist at the University of California at Davis. Leads seminar on interdisciplinary structures in art. First solo exhibition at Galerie Onrust in Amsterdam and at the invitation of Hermann Kern shows at the Kunstraum in Munich. |
1986 |
Participates at the XLII Venice Biennial. Shows an installation of small-scale drawings entitled “de stultitia”. |
1987- 1990 |
Guest artist at the Rijksakademie van Beeldenden Kunsten in Amsterdam. Invited as artist in residence to Fine Arts Work Centre, Provincetown, Massachusetts. Gives his renowned lecture „Anti-economic positions“, which is published by the Institute for Practical Studies, RvBK, Amsterdam, 1988. |
1991 |
Writes his poetic manifesto “De coloribus - Notes on colours”, which is co-published by Hine Editions, San Francisco and Art-Book, Amsterdam during the same year. |
1995 |
Constructs a hard edge vertical wax sculpture from floor to ceiling at Elba Benitez Gallery in Madrid. Receives the art critic’s award of the year for best show of the season in Madrid. |
1997 - 1998 |
Overview exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the IVAM Valencia and Kunsthalle Karlsruhe. |
1999 |
Invited to develop an exhibition of sculpture, painting and work on paper for the space of the Museum CGAC in Santiago de Compostela. The museum publishes a two volume anthology of Partenheimer´s writings. Writes his lecture “Fractal Thinking - An imaginary dialogue on error and truth in the relationship between science and art.“ Published by the International School of Theory in the Humanities, The Special Plenary Series, Santiago de Compostela / Paris, 2000. |
2000 |
Invited to show at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Beijing and the Nanjing Museum in Nanjing. Installs the sculpture „world axis“ in the „Forbidden City“ in Beijing. |
2002 – 2005 |
Overview exhibitions at the S.M.A.K. in Gent, the Museum am Ostwall in Dortmund and at the Pinacoteca Do Estado in São Paulo. Awarded the Prize for Visual Arts by the Kulturstiftung Dortmund. Receives the oder of merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Reforzate, 2005
2006 |
Artist in residence at Nietzsche-Haus in Sils-Maria, Switzerland.
Work on the Sils-Maria cycle “Metaphysical Landscape”, 24 watercolors.
Lecture at Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Great Britain.
Public panel at Museum Haus der Kunst,
Munich – presentation of the “Copan - São Paulo Diary”.
2007 |
Presentation of “Copan - São Paulo Diary” and exhibition
of the “Copan Drawings” at Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil.
Nietzsche-Haus, Sils-Maria, panel and exhibition of “Metaphysical Landscape”. |
2008 |
St. Matthäus - Berlin,
Ash -
Artist´s Speech
IKON Gallery - Birmingham, Discontinuity, Paradox & Precision, Nigel Prince (Ed.), Birmingham, 2008 |
2009 |
Das Schlüsselloch im Museum Chasa Jaura Valchava, Museum Chasa Jaura - Valchava, Uwe Wieczorek (Autor), Valchava, 2009
"Mimesis-Return", exhibition at Museum Chasa Jaura, Valchava, Switzerland
Off-Site - The Brearley Project, IKON Gallery, Birmingham
Visiting Artist Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
"Xenia", exhibition at Kunsthalle Kiel
2010 |
Invited to "The German Conferece at Harvard", Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
"Mimesis", artist book. Published by Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
"La Fortune", Häusler Contemporary, Munich
"Die fünfte Himmelrichtung ist die Mitte. Die sechs Kontinente der Kunst"
lecture published by Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel
2011 |
Lemke - Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin |
Renga - Galerie Onrust, Amsterdam
Folded Spirits - Häusler Contemporary - Munich, Munich. On the occasion of the exhibition a catalogue is published with the title "Works.Renga" with a text by Bronwyn Law-Viljoen.
Art in Print, New York publishes a feature on the artist book Folded Spirits and shows the book cover on the title page.
Jürgen Partenheimer, cover of the artist book Folded Spirits (2012). Edition of 15. Co-published by the artist and David Krut Projects, Johannesburg, Cape Town & New York. |
2013 |
As part of the Kienbaum Artists Books series, Snoeck Publishers, Cologne, Partenheimer's artist book Seeds & Tracks and Folded Spirits. South African Diary has been published.
Exhibition JP. Der Besuch. As a satellite of the SCHAUSTELLE, the Staatsgemäldesammlung Munich is making a guest appearance with an exhibition in the Museum Mobile of the Audi Forum Ingolstadt.
Move to Munich. The architect Anna Partenheimer, daughter of the artist ,designs and builds a new studio there. |
2014 |
Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich dedicates a comprehensive exhibition to the work of Jürgen Partenheimer with the title Das Archiv-The Archive. On the occasion of the exhibition a book is published by Distanz Verlag, Berlin.
In Vancouver Partenheimer creates a body of work of drawings and texts,
entitled The Raven Diaries, which were shown at Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver. The Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver showed porcelain vessels of the artist.
Exhibition Het Archief - The Archive, Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag
Exhibition Litotes, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2015 |
Exhibition Metaphysik, Haus BE 2226, Häusler Contemporary, Lustenau
Exhibition Calliope, Musée Ariana, Genf. On the occasion of the exhibition a book entitled 3x7 Vessels is published by Snoeck, Cologne.
Beginn of a new body of work, 100 Poets. |
 Axis Mundi / Weltachse
2016 |
Exhibition 100 Poets, Häusler Contemporary, Munich.
A new artist book is published,
"100 Poets", with 11 linoleum cuts, poems by Alfred Jarry, Elisabeth Bishop, George Oppen, José Angel Valente, Seamus Heaney, Shelly, W.B. Yeats, W.H. Auden, Cold Mountain, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, and a text by Järgen Partenheimer. Published by Edition Ennui in cooperation with Häusler Contemporary, Munich / Zurich.
Partenheimer takes part in the exhibition Sculpture in the City, London, 2016-2017 with Axis Mundi/Weltachse. |
2017 |
Exhibition Lichtschwarm, White Cube, London [www.whitecube.com] (cat.).
Exhibition Zeichnungen und Bilder, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne |
2018 |
100 Poets. Part 2, Häusler Contemporary Zurich
Unverloren-Unlost, Galerie Peter Dittmar, Berlin. On the occasion of the exhibition a catalogue is published by Edition Dittmar.
Exhibition Memoria, Kristof De Clercq Gallery, Ghent. Memoria was the first solo exhibition by Jürgen Partenheimer in Belgium since his comprehensive show at S.M.A.K. in 2002. The title of the exhibition, memoria, alludes to the phenomenon of time as memory, as awareness, where time should be understood as utopian time in contrast with the common notion of chronological time. Memory as vision.
Inbox: Joyce in Art, MuHKA Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, BE. This exhibition shows that James Joyce had a significant effect on visual artists and that they, in turn, have kept his legacy alive and interpreted his work in many original ways.
Featuring work by William Anastasi, Miroslaw Balka, Joseph Beuys, Pavel Büchler, John Cage, James Coleman, Amanda Coogan, Gary Coyle, Ivan Ladislav Galeta, Dora García, Kenneth Goldsmith, Zbigniew Gostomski, Richard Hamilton, Gereon Inger, James Joyce, John Latham, Vlado Martek, John Mc Dowall, Lenir de Miranda, Brian O'Doherty, Jürgen Partenheimer, Susan Philipsz, Royden Rabinowitch, Man Ray, Martha Rosler, Dieter Roth, Nick Thurston, Edward Weston,... |
2019 |
Exhibition JP. Verwandlung-Transformation, Häusler Contemporary, Munich
On the occasion of the exhibition a catalogue is published with a text by Bruno Glatt
The Philosophy-Magazine „Hohe Luft“ publishes a feature on Jürgen Partenheimer |
2020 |
A catalogue raisonné for Jürgen Partenheimer is being compiled with the support from Kunstfonds Bonn Foundation.
Completion of the body of work One Hundred Poets. A text by Jürgen Partenheimer on the One Hundred Poets is published.
During the Covid-19 pandemic Max Goelitz Gallery Munich create the digital „viewing-rooms“ on sculpture and on the Calliope porcelain vessels by Jürgen Partenheimer. The solo exhibition entitled il mistero dell‘arrivo, presents a body of new work of cross-media concepts including sculpture, painting, drawings and text following his five-year commitment to the comprehensive group of works of One Hundred Poets.
viewing room: the enigma of arrival. il mistero dell'arrivo | jürgen partenheimer | max goelitz
viewing room: Calliope | Jürgen Partenheimer | | max goelitz
2021 |
Presentation of the publication “One Hundred Poets“ at Lyrik-Kabinett Munich in a conversation between Jürgen Partenheimer and Klaus Schrenk.
Golden Luft Publishers, Mainz publishes a selection of Jürgen Partenheimer´ s One Hundred Poets with a postscript by John Burnside.
Exhibition 16 of One Hundred Poets, Häusler Contemporary, Zurich
Exhibition Kalliope / Calliope, Max Goelitz Galerie, Munich |
2022 |
Vasts Apart, Häusler Contemporary Zürich, Zurich
the enigma of arrival.il mistero dell‘arrivo, max goelitz, Munich
Jürgen Partenheimer ws part of the exhibition PATHS III in CGAC Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela, ES. Artists included Vito Acconci, Janine Antoni, Miguel Ángel Blanco, Mar Caldas, Benvenuto Chavajay, Mona Hatoum, Kubra Khademi, Manolo Laguillo, Juan Lesta, Priscilla Monge, Jürgen Partenheimer, Damián Ucieda and Oriol Vilanova. |
